Umbraculum umbraculum
February 15, 2017Thuridilla picta
February 15, 2017Trapania miltabrancha
Infraorder : DORIDACEA
Family : Goniodorididae
Known only from Bali and the Lembeh Strait Indonesia
The background colour is brownish orange covered with an irregular reticulate pattern of dark brown. Scattered all over the dark brown are small opaque white spots. The oral tentacles are brown with small white spots and the dorso-lateral processes are translucent white with a brownish tip. The rhinophores and gills are transparent with some straw coloured and dark brown patching.
The species name miltabrancha is based on the Greek words for ‘red gill’ because Gosliner & Fahey consider the species to have ‘pale red gill leaves’. The living animal is reported to grow to at least 10 mm in length.
Note: This species was previously known on the Seaslugforum as Trapania sp. 11