Phyllidiopsis phiphiensis
February 19, 2017Phyllidiella zeylanica
February 18, 2017Phyllidiopsis fissurata
Infraorder : DORIDACEA
Family : Phyllidiidae
Known from southwestern tropical Pacific (Fiji, central Great Barrier Reef to Lord Howe Island).
Here a record from Thailand.
Phyllidiopsis fissurata grows to about 79mm. has black background to dorsum and many tall, pale pink tubercles. The rhinophores are pink with a black tip and a black line down the posterior edge. It also has a translucent raised rim around the raised rhinophore pockets and a smooth tall raised pink anal papilla.
Two other species with similarly coloured rhinophores:
Phyllidiopsis pipeki, which has bright pink colouration and consistently two straight black longitudinal lines only, rounded white tubercles (not multicompound).
Phyllidiopsis krempfi, Large species characterised by predominantly pink coloration, and broad based multicompound tubercles with paler apices. Apart from two primary longitudinal black lines, other black lines of variable size occur irregularly. Rhinophores pink on anterior face and around base, black on apex and posterior face.