Phyllidiella zeylanica
February 18, 2017Phyllidiella rosans
February 19, 2017Phyllidiella rudmani
Infraorder : DORIDACEA
Family : Phyllidiidae
Known from the tropical western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean.
Notes compiled from Brunckhorst, 1993 :
Phyllidiella rudmani is characterised by its pale pink notum with two black stripes, and the black and pink banded rhinophores. Ventrally, the foot and oral tentacles are white. Phyllidiella pustulosa , Phyllidiella zeylanica, Phyllidiella nigra , Phyllidiella annulata, and Phyllidiella rosans all possess a black background coloration and are therefore easily separated from the present species. Other differences are the bicolored rhinophores and basically white ventral surfaces of Phyllidiella rudmani. Phyllidiella lizae resembles the present species as it also possesses pink background coloration and black to white, colour graded rhinophores. However, substantial differences are apparent: the irregular, broken, intersecting black lines (two straight longitudinal black stripes in P. rudmani); a different number of rhinophoral lamellae; and ventrally, pale grey to pink coloration (white in P. rudmani) and digitate oral tentacles (conical in P. rudmani).